Study of liquid-vapour equilibria under a vaccuum using a bench top ebulliometer
- Theoretical study of binary mixtures
- Ideal miscible mixtures: Dalton’s equation, Raoult’s equation
- Non-ideal miscible mixtures (deviation, volatility, azeotropic mixtures)
- Partially-miscible and non-miscible mixtures
- Experimental study of binary mixtures
- At atmospheric pressure and under vacuum
- Liquid-vapor phase diagram
- Boiling and condensation isobaric phase diagram.
- Application to rectification: calculating the number of theoretical plates
Proposed Experiments:
- Isobaric study of a binary mixture:
- Sequential or semi-continuous method.
- Analyse the composition of the liquid and vapour phases.
- Apply the results:
- Plot the liquid-vapour equilibrium diagram at various pressures
- Plot the boiling and condensation isobaric phase diagram at various pressures.
- Compare the diagrams.
- Determine the number of theoretical plates by the McCabe-Thiele method.
- Determine the relative and actual volatility.
Technical Description:
- Adiabatic ebulliometric chamber, 300 mL, liquid phase take off.
- Electric resistance.
- Coolant, double effect glass, condensed vapour phase extraction valve.
- Vacuum circuit : isolating valve, solenoid valve, adjustment valve, safety valve, vent valve, isolating valve from the process, vacuum connection device and absolute pressure transmitter
- Unit delivered with 10 sampling tubes of 20 mL.
- Temperature probe Pt100Ω.
- Absolute pressure transmitter.
Dim : 80 x 55 x 110 cm – 60 kg
Aluminum profile framework
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