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Customer Testimonials

Gideon Humphrey

Senior Laboratory Manager
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON

Impressed 850 Interface Customer

Out of all the data acquisition systems I’m aware of, nothing approaches the convenience of the PASCO 850 interface. Between the broad range of available sensors and the simplicity of starting data acquisition, a wide range of tasks that would be incredibly complicated otherwise can be automated in minutes. We have dedicated computers and 850 interfaces at each station in our labs so that data acquisition can be accomplished easily by our students whenever needed.

Calvin Feist

Program Chair
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Edmonton, AB

We use the Matrix Locktronics Trainer in three different Automotive Service Technician courses offered at NAIT. There are many great features and benefits of these trainers.

  • The ease at which the students can build circuits with a wide variety of components and perform tests.
  • The students can easily identify different components by the symbols on them and can visualize what is happening in the circuit.
  • All the instructors like how compact and portable the units are which make it very easy to move from classroom to classroom.

The last thing I will mention is the reliability of the components is exceptional. After using them for over 5 years the only components we have had to replace are definitely because of user abuse not poor quality. The support from AYVA has been great from the quote to after delivery questions, we will definitely purchase from them again.

Michelle Brosseau

Physics Teacher
Ursuline College Chatham
Chatham, ON

During distance learning due to COVID-19 school shut down, I was given a short window to collect what I could from my classroom to teach online.  The PASCO wireless sensors and Smart Carts were my top priority to collect to implement distance learning.  By sharing experimental data with students via SparkVue, the sensors were pivotal in creating an online experience that still allowed students to grow with their lab skills.  It was easy to record videos of the data collection and share the data with my students.  They did a phenomenal job examining and interpreting the data.

Now that we are back in the classroom, it is more important than ever to give students the opportunity to have hands-on learning experiences.  The quality of the PASCO sensors allow my students to experiment while socially distanced outside.  We have used the motion sensors to determine our average walking speeds and top running speeds, the altimeters to explore projectile motion, and have even spun the Smart Carts on strings to investigate circular motion.  All devices stand up to everything the students have thrown at them (and in the case of the altimeters, the students have literally thrown them).  Inside, we use the Smart Carts and accessories to examine motion, forces, and momentum.  I have been disinfecting the sensors with institutional grade wipes and the sensors have stood up to the harsh cleaners.  I am grateful to have such versatile equipment that has allowed me to navigate teaching online and mask-to-mask in the classroom without sacrificing the experiential component of Physics.

Bruno Korst

Director, Teaching Labs

University of Toronto
Toronto, ON

We have recently acquired six KUKA robots for our Controls and Robotics Lab at the University of Toronto. Not only we are very impressed with the quality and performance of the units, but we are also very pleased with the level of service and professionalism we encountered from AYVA. They have provided a continuous channel through which we could interface with KUKA and fulfill our technical demands from the time of procurement, through to installation, training of personnel and commissioning. It has been a textbook case on how to support laboratory work in higher education.

David King

Chemistry Lab Technician
University of Alberta
Augustana Campus

Wireless Spectrometers have allowed us to be much more dynamic

Four years ago Augustana Chemistry made the decision to move away from traditional stand-alone spectrometers and sensors to PASCO’s Wireless Spectrometer and Sensors. Students are able to pick up the APP based software (both the Spectrometry app and SPARKvue) quickly and understand results more easily. The wireless capability has allowed us to find creative uses for the sensors and explore tradition forms of spectroscopy but with a modern approach. Bluetooth Sensors have allowed us to design experiments that measure variables that might otherwise be impossible, while the Wireless Spectrometers have allowed us to be much more dynamic where we can take the spectrometers. The successful transition to (PASCO through AYVA) and their equipment now shapes a lot of what we do here at Augustana.

Dean Milton

Lab Instructor
University of Regina
Regina, SK

I’m often running two lab sessions at one time in two different rooms. Being able to use the base module like TecQuipment’s Hydraulic Bench and quickly be able to switch out the experimental modules makes running a tight schedule of laboratory sessions possible. With a few of my own modifications like adding quick connects and valves I can make this changeover even slicker. The AVYA experience is great! Their post-sale technical support is unparalleled.
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Sylvie Normandin

Académie Lafontaine

Voulant diversifier et améliorer nos démarches scientifiques, nous avons opté d’investir dans l’achat de capteurs PASCO pour iPad. L’acquisition de thermomètres et de pH-mètres s’est avérée très intéressante à plusieurs égards. Le service après vente d’AYVA est exceptionnel. Les capteurs sont faciles d’utilisation et l’application SPARKvue permet d’afficher les données expérimentales de façon numérique et graphique. Les élèves apprécient les possibilités offertes par le produit. La banque d’expériences fournie avec l’application offre plusieurs démarches expérimentales intéressantes.

Peter Sakaris

Laboratory Specialist
Concordia University
Montreal, QC

Our mechanical engineering department recently wanted to upgrade our Gas Dynamics Laboratory in conjunction with our newly added aerospace program.  After extensive research, we decided to purchase the AF27 Nozzle Flow Apparatus and the AF300  Intermittent Supersonic Wind Tunnel from TecQuipment with all the accessories including the VDAS Data Acquisition System.  We are happy to report our investment has been well worth it.  A perfect fit for our undergraduate laboratory.  Students are raving how “cool” the units are and the relative ease to obtain accurate data.  The laboratory size supersonic wind tunnel has been a big hit.  At Mach 1.8, viewing the shock waves and expansion fans on an airfoil using the included Schlieren Apparatus has never been easier and more clear.  The people at AYVA were amazing in helping us install the equipment.  They answered all our question in a timely manner and delivered on time.  The equipment is very well designed and built to last for a long time.

Bob Chin

Physics Lab Technician
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Surrey, BC

Achieves the Learning Goals We Desire

I would like to thank you, your staff and products in helping us create a lab that is one of the best in Canada. Your lab equipment is of the highest quality and technical support is always there to help. During the 25 years we have used a wide array of lab equipment including computer interfacing. Your PASCO line has a high profile in our lab and will continue to do so far into the future. Our students feel they are getting full lab experience when using your equipment. The data they procure are of high accuracy and that helps achieve the learning goals we desire.

Marc Boudreau


Bosch Rexroth’s hydraulics bench is really great! Robust, easy to use, and it offers the possibility to expand and add components to keep up with new technologies. My students are always motivated while working with the bench and I now understand why it has such a strong reputation. It is impossible to regret this purchase!

Le banc hydraulique de Bosch Rexroth est vraiment super! Solide, facile d’utilisation et il offre la possibilité d’ajouter des équipements afin de s’ajuster aux nouvelles technologies. Mes élèves sont motivés à travailler avec, et en les observant, j’ai compris pourquoi la réputation de ce banc est « blindée ». Regretter cet achat relève de l’imaginaire!

Hugues Loranger

Physics Lab Superintendent
McGill University
Montreal, QC

l’excellente coopération

Je ne dois pas passer sous silence l’excellente coopération de votre part dans la résolution des différents problèmes que nous avons rencontrés avec certains équipements. Il faut aussi que je souligne votre soutien à l’acquisition de nouveau matériel requis pour nos laboratoires. Vous avez toujours répondu à mes questionnements, s’il y en avait, avec courtoisie. J’ai apprécié au plus haut point notre relation d’affaires.

Peut-être que 12 ans d’affaires c’est bref, mais il y a de l’histoire qui précède la venue d’AYVA pour les excellentes gammes de produits que vous détenez et qui ont fait les choix de mes prédécesseurs. Dans ce sens, j’ai apprécié retrouver chez vous (Ayva) les gammes de produits qui ont fait leurs marques à travers le temps et qui ont su relever le défi de l’informatisation et de l’ExAO (Expérimentation assistée par ordinateur). Vous êtes très proactifs dans la recherche et l’adoption de produits de pointe pour l’expérimentation en physique étant donné que c’est de cette discipline que je relève.

Vous avez épaulé mes succès en expérimentation et surtout et avant tout les succès des étudiants, l’avenir de nos sociétés.

Dr. H.J Kwon

University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON

I have worked with the AYVA team to upgrade my Mechanical Engineering lab. We have not only been provided with excellent pre-sale service but we also received valuable support after we placed our order. We were provided access to a number of resources which we were able to use to develop our own customized labs for the students. The structures equipment from TecQuipment is being used to teach student groups in several courses at the undergraduate level. There is minimal setup required and students are easily able to switch between experiments. The excellent quality of the TQ manuals has enabled us to design our labs with relative ease. The equipment was delivered on schedule and the AYVA team has been very diligent in following up and providing us with the resources we need in a timely fashion.

Saverio Biunno

Physics Lab Technician
Cégep de Shawinigan
Shawinigan, QC

l’excellente coopération

Je ne dois pas passer sous silence l’excellente coopération de votre part dans la résolution des différents problèmes que nous avons rencontrés avec certains équipements. Il faut aussi que je souligne votre soutien à l’acquisition de nouveau matériel requis pour nos laboratoires. Vous avez toujours répondu à mes questionnements, s’il y en avait, avec courtoisie. J’ai apprécié au plus haut point notre relation d’affaires.

Peut-être que 12 ans d’affaires c’est bref, mais il y a de l’histoire qui précède la venue d’AYVA pour les excellentes gammes de produits que vous détenez et qui ont fait les choix de mes prédécesseurs. Dans ce sens, j’ai apprécié retrouver chez vous (Ayva) les gammes de produits qui ont fait leurs marques à travers le temps et qui ont su relever le défi de l’informatisation et de l’ExAO (Expérimentation assistée par ordinateur). Vous êtes très proactifs dans la recherche et l’adoption de produits de pointe pour l’expérimentation en physique étant donné que c’est de cette discipline que je relève.

Vous avez épaulé mes succès en expérimentation et surtout et avant tout les succès des étudiants, l’avenir de nos sociétés.

Dr. Shohel Mahmud

University of Guelph
Guelph, ON

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for engineering equipment in the undergraduate labs at the University of Guelph as we have expanded our program. AYVA has been proactive and assisted us diligently in addressing all our equipment needs. We now proudly showcase both PASCO and TecQuipment products in our teaching labs. The quality of the equipment and teaching material is exceptional. AYVA offers a broad range of equipment well suited to our various engineering disciplines and we look forward to exploring their extended product offering in the future.

Reed Jeffrey

Science Department Head
Upper Canada College
Toronto, ON

Smart Cart

I thought the cart was excellent. The quick sampling rate for force will be very useful for momentum and collision labs we do. I’m recommending we include this in our order for next school year.

Dr. Gérard Poitras

University of Moncton
Moncton, NB

I am a long-time user of TecQuipment products – in particular the Modular Structures Range as well as other Materials Testing equipment. I find the modules (over 10) very easy to set up and, more importantly, my students find them extremely easy to use as they move from station to station conducting a wide variety of measurements related to structures and materials. Each experiment can be completed in 30 to 45 minutes and I can accommodate several students working in groups of three. It is a great addition to both my Basic Structures and Hyperstatic Structures courses.

Je suis un utilisateur de longue date de produits TecQuipment – en particulier la gamme modulaire structurale ainsi que d’autres équipements d’essai pour les matériaux. Le montage des modules (plus de 10) se fait très rapidement, mais plus important encore, mes élèves apprécient le fait qu’ils sont simples à utiliser. Les élèves se déplacent d’une station à l’autre tout en réalisant une grande variété de mesures reliées aux structures et matériaux. Les étudiantes et étudiants travaillent normalement en groupe de trois et chaque expérience peut être complétée en 30 à 45 minutes. La gamme modulaire est un excellent ajout à mes cours de Concepts des structures et Structures hyperstatiques.

Shawn McFadden

Technical Specialist
Ryerson University
Toronto, ON

Improved Student Learning Experience

We have a large number of PASCO wireless spectrometers and love how they have improved the learning experience for our students.

Riad Rajab

York University
Toronto, ON

TecQuipment’s structures line was chosen to enhance the learning experience of our engineering students. The products were delivered in a timely manner and were easy to set up. After-sales support has been very accommodating, allowing us to modify the experiment manuals as we saw fit, giving us flexibility in learning objectives. Students have shown great interest, and have found operating the units to be easy and simple.

Edward Havenga

Head of Science
Mitchell District High School
Mitchell, ON

Chemistry Teacher Loves PASCO Sensors

We love the PASCO sensors. They are great. We used the pH & temperature sensors in Grade 12 Chemistry last semester, and I have Grade 11 Chemistry this semester and am really looking forward to using the temperature and pressure sensors. Our math teacher has used the motion sensors as well. The SPARKvue app is also great, as are the additional resources including the free SPARKlabs and the YouTube videos. Thanks!

Dr. Pierre Savard

Director Département de génie biomédical
Polytechnique Montreal
Montreal, QC

I have used AYVA wireless dataloggers in my biomedical labs and found that the reliable signal processing capability was well suited to my research requirements. I appreciated the prompt delivery and the excellent service that I received from your team before and after the sale. I am hoping to purchase additional units.

Laura Buchynski

Lab Coordinator
Lakeland College
Vermilion, AB

“Personalized & Professional” Customer Service

I have dealt with many vendors over the years, but never received such personalized and professional services as I did from PASCO Canada (AYVA). They took it upon themselves to ensure that the equipment fit both our academic requirements and our budget. They are very knowledgeable about their equipment and its applications, making our project so much easier to complete.

Sonny Hedge

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Calgary, AB

I’m very pleased with the fast and professional service that I’ve received from AYVA Educational Solutions. I am able to contact an AYVA representative any day of the week and receive a prompt response. AYVA’s representatives are happy and willing to accommodate any changes, modifications and suggestions. I highly recommend using AYVA Educational Services to meet your educational needs.

Dr. Kameal Mina

Computer/Engineering Studies
Cambrian College

“Student Learning & Success”

I’ve been impressed by the quick and professional responses I received from PASCO Canada representative. I’ve been using PASCO since 1995 and their equipment always made our labs interactive and highly educational. Students were also excited about the professional knowledge and experience they gained using PASCO equipment. This helped us achieve one of our most important goals; students learning and success.

Andrew Orton

Lab Manager
Sheridan College

I have worked with the AYVA team since they launched in 2008 to equip our Science and Engineering labs. They have consistently gone above and beyond to ensure that we were prepared to meet our curricular goals and deadlines. I have been impressed by the breadth and quality of the lines they represent. We have purchased both PASCO and TQ equipment to enhance our teaching labs.

Gurpreet Sidhu

University College of North
The Pas, MB

A big thanks for all the help and support you provided

I want to take some time to say a big thanks for all the help and support you provided me to select the best equipment in order to make the best possible use of the funds available. It is really exceptional that you happily connected with me multiple times even during the weekend and were always motivated to help.

Sivasubramaniam Ganeshalingam

Lab Manager
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON

AYVA has provided us with excellent support in getting training equipment that will enhance our chemical engineering labs. We have had the opportunity to work with their knowledgeable staff as well as representatives from TecQuipment and PIGNAT. We especially appreciated Sean McLaughlin, Technical Services Manager’s time and expertise when we purchased the H83 from TecQuipment. He was extremely responsive and resourceful during the on-site installation.

Mark Richards

Technology Integration Consultant
Annapolis Valley R.S.B.
Halifax, NS

Datalogging Activities are Cross-Curricular

Throughout the province of Nova Scotia, PASCO’s probeware technology has been merged with the rollout of the new P-6 curriculum. We chose a number of sensors for use with our project-based activities. Both the functionality and mobility of PASCO’s dataloggers enable students to collect authentic, real-world data, test their hypotheses and build knowledge.

What we find important to a successful implementation and adoption by teachers is showing that the probes are not a ‘standalone technology’. The datalogging activities are very cross-curricular and can incorporate math, english, science, and geography outcomes.

We are excited to learn more about PASCO’s new weather sensor because our students enjoy projects where they can share and compare their data with weather stations from around the world and be part of a global community.

Daniel Saulnier

Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick
New Brunswick

All of the students that have the opportunity to see the [Eridès] Refrigeration Trainer in operation and do their lab report based on readings really get a lot out of it. Interesting to note: Our refrigeration tech was fascinated by the unit. He is a very experienced technician, and he was simply amazed at seeing the thermodynamic cycle in action. Typically, refrigeration technicians follow pressure and temperature readings, and gauging from his reaction, they most times give little thought to the phase changes that take place inside the guts of the unit.

Deb Stirrett

Science Department Head
Ross Sheppard Senior HS
Calgary, AB

“Wonderful” In-Service

Thank you so much for arranging the recent in-service. It was a wonderful experience for all who attended. We certainly got a much better understanding of how to use the probes and how to work with the data that they generate.

Bill took a great deal of time to ensure all the participants knew how to start the programs, collect the data and store it for future use. His thorough walk through of the Chemistry probes was appreciated by all the techs and the teachers present. The physics teachers were especially impressed on the motion lab and the potential for further lab development. I would also like to thank Bill for looking at our equipment and making suggestions for future use (and the potential to use some of the old probes with the new equipment). It certainly was wonderful to understand the potential of the equipment we have. Our teachers are looking forward to developing our labs with this equipment.

Linda Monasterski

Lab Assistant
St. Paul’s High School
Winnipeg, MB

iPad User and Long Time Customer

We have been using PASCO equipment in Physics experiments at St. Paul’s for over 15 years. The ease of use and results obtained were great before but are even better now especially with the new SPARKvue app and the introduction of real-time sharing of data between students. The PASPORT sensors are literally plug and play and work on all of the interfaces. The ability to use iPads and tablets to collect data and run experiments opens up a whole new world of student science exploration. Thank you to AYVA for their wonderful customer service and support.

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