TecQuipment’s Expanded Offering For Flow Channels and Flumes
During a recent visit to TecQuipment’s (TQ) we were very excited to see that they have recently expanded their offering of flow channels.

TQ’s flow channels are large open channel flumes that provide the opportunity for advanced research and student study on a wide range of fluid flow topics.
TQ’s flumes and flow channels are available in various models (from a space-efficient 2.5 meters to a research caliber size of 15 meters.), giving students have a wide choice of experimentation in open channel flow.
The flumes are made of transparent glass, precision-built to ensure parallel walls and a consistently accurate cross-section along its length. A sturdy steel square-section firmly supports the channel throughout its length. It has a floor-standing frame that supports the working section at a convenient eye-level position for students.
The FC80 and FC300 models have a built-in re-circulating water supply connected to a digital flow meter for accurate measurements during experimentation.
The FC50 is designed primarily for use with TQ’s Digital Hydraulic Bench which provides the necessary water supply, drain and digital flow-measurement facilities.
If you would like to visit TecQuipment in Nottingham, England to see these flow channels and flumes in action just give us a call and we would be pleased to arrange a visit/demonstration.<
To learn more about our range of Flow channels/flumes please visit our Flumes Landing Page